Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Genesis 5-6

We'll bump up against some genealogies every now and then (ch. 5). Not exactly nail-biters. But they are part of the Story. God is going to make good on His promise to bring the Messiah (hinted at back in 3:15). These contain the names of the actual people He will use to get His job done.

And then read and re-read (6:5-7). Ever think that our culture today is wicked? It seems that times weren't so great back in Noah's day. God is sure patient! We're still here!

Read it here.


  1. Wow...God actually REGRETTED making mankind! That hurts! ..that certainly puts us in our place... and how important jesus is!! Hmmmm...imagine that, ties in rather well with troys comments on repentance in matthew 3.

  2. Someone showed me back in my Freshman Group days that the names from the Genealogy in Genesis 5 spells out the gospel.

    Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.
