Friday, June 28, 2013

Jeremiah 9-10

They process from one evil to another, and they do not take Me into account (9:3).  Pretty much sums it up.  BUT... keep reading to the end.  God will declare what He wants from a people who are truly His. Epic verses at the end of ch. 9!

I know, Lord, that a man's life is not his own;
no one who walks determines his own steps.

Now there's something to ponder!

Read it here.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jeremiah 7-8

People don't seem to be much different today. The people back then oppressed foreigners, ignored the poor, hurt innocent people, and did whatever they wanted to do.  Then they'd walk into church and pretend that all was well with God.  Huh?

Truth has perished--it has disappeared from their mouths (7:28).

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jeremiah 5-6

When preachers speak lies in the name of God, how will people hear the truth? One of the scariest verses in the Bible (and it is hauntingly contemporary)...

"A horrible thing has taken place in the land.
The prophets prophecy falsely,
and the priests rule by their own authority.
But what will you do at the end of it?"

Read it here.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jeremiah 3-4

"Only acknowledge your guilt..." That is what God requires. Speak the truth. Confess what He already knows to be true. Admit it. Stop hiding, running, and rebelling. Enter into true repentance. God is eager to forgive.

Read it here.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Jeremiah 1-2

Jeremiah was likely about 20 years old when he began to boldly proclaim God's Word. Though he started his ministry with the favor of a good king (Josiah), it was not long before Jeremiah was faced with proclaiming God's words to a people who adamantly rejected him. By the close of the book he is a refugee of war and likely died in that state.  But through it all, his message never wavered.

The first two chapters frame in the spiritual state of God's people at this point in history ... apathy, abandonment, faithlessness, evil, apostate...  It is not a pretty picture.

Read it here.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Solomon's Finest Song, chs. 7-8

Love's flames are fiery flames--the fiercest of all (8:6).

That's a great theme verse for this book. This passionate love between a bride and groom, as described in these pages, is as it was intended to be.

Read it here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Solomon's Finest Song, chs. 4-6

Look, if you were living in a culture where a full set of teeth was a rarity, you'd be impressed with a gal who had every pearly-white in place (4:2). Don't get me wrong, he enjoys describing other aspects of her anatomy, but her teeth are very impressive!

And she returns the gesture. It has not escaped her that he is "fit and strong" and his "arms are rods of gold."

This is an opportunity to celebrate the rightful and holy intoxication married couples should have with one another's bodies. God is good.

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Solomon's Finest Song 1-3

This is an odd book.  Why would God include a book about sexual love in the Bible? Because God gave us bodies that respond to the physical love of our spouse. He gave us desires that are wonderfully satisfied in marriage. And He gave sexual love to bond a husband and wife together in this beautiful mutually-given gift (see 1 Corinthians 7:1-7). This book celebrates a chaste, self-giving, and bonding view of sexual love between a husband and wife. It is a beautiful book that Solomon called his "song of songs," or "finest song" (1:1).

For a helpful Introduction to the book and the various ways to interpret it, click here.

Read the passage here.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ecclesiastes 11-12

Before he lays his pen down, he gives us some sweet advice: "When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is: fear God and keep His commands. For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil."

Read it here.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Ecclesiastes 9-10

"One sinner can destroy much good" (9:18). We need to stay close to wisdom. Once we leave the path, there is no telling what destruction might come about.

Read it here.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ecclesiastes 7-8

"It is better to go to a house of mourning than to a house of feasting,
since that is the end of all mankind, and the living should take it to heart."

That nugget alone should give us a lot to ponder today.  But Solomon offers far more.

Read it here.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ecclesiastes 5-6

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God." From here Solomon launches on some of the richest wisdom in this whole book.  Take some time to savor these words on worship, vows, work, etc.

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ecclesiastes 3-4

Don't be shocked if you suddenly hear "The Byrds" singing "Turn, Turn, Turn" (1965). Those lyrics weren't original to them.  Solomon wrote the words for their #1 hit about 3,000 years before they picked them up and put a folk tune behind them.

God has put eternity into the hearts of every man (3:11). That's why His themes keep coming out in lyrics and poems and art and stories and conversations, etc.  We know in our gut that what God says is true.

Read it here.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ecclesiastes 1-2

According to Wesley, Solomon, "was not only a king, but also a teacher of God's people; who having sinned grievously in the eyes of all the world, thought himself obliged to publish his repentance, and give publick [sic] warning to all, to avoid those rocks upon which he had split." (Note: Guys who write stuff in the 1750's and which are still read in the 2000's can spell "public" any way they want).

Keep the idea of "public repentance as a warning to future readers" in your mind as you begin your journey through this book.

Read it here.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Job 40-42

You must read this finale.  The only appropriate response when coming face-to-face with God is the one Job gives us here. Let it guide you.

Read it here.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Job 38-39

God speaks for Himself.  And the first thing He asks (rhetorically) is, "Who dares speak when standing in my presence?" I cannot imagine hearing this voice boom from heaven and directed at ME!  Read it in that way.

Read it here.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Job 35-37

Elihu continues to speak "on God's behalf" (36:2). God will ultimately speak for Himself. But, again, these are men who are seeking to vindicate the character and actions of God even if that means throwing their friend, Job, under the bus to do so.

Here is what Elihu believes about God: "The Almighty-we cannot reach Him-He is exalted in power!" He could do worse in the way he thinks about God.

But brace yourself, Elihu, God is about to talk back.

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Job 32-34

Elihu makes the finale appeal by the "friends" for Job to repent.  His speech goes on for six chapters. And then God steps in and speaks for the first time.

Even though God will ultimately rebuke Elihu and his friends, there are moments of truth and clarity along the way. Remember that these are godly men who are trying to figure out why God has allowed Job to go through such a crisis. They are very accusing of Job - unnecessarily and unjustifiably. But they do consider some godly points of wisdom along the way.

Read it here.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Job 29-31

Job is on a roll. Listening to Job remember the days of God's blessing is really touching and sad. He is stunned at how quickly things have turned and cannot figure out why.

Along the way, this righteous man has some great advice for those who would follow him.  "I have made a covenant with my eyes. How then could I look at a young woman?" (31:1).

I hope if I ever go through this level of crisis that I keep a God-centered attitude as Job does here.

Read it here.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Job 25-28

"These are but the fringes of His ways; how faint is the word we hear from Him" (26:14). Job recognizes that we barely catch a glimpse of the infinite, unfathomable God!

And look how Job (many generations before Solomon penned the Proverbs) states this: "The fear of the Lord is this: WISDOM. And to turn from evil is understanding." (see Prov. 1:7).

Read it here.