Friday, September 6, 2013


You made it! The last book of the Old Testament! This last prophet before the time of Jesus (400 years later) proclaimed a message of a coming King.  This King would come to judge as well as to rescue. Will the reader be met by "burning like a furnace" or by "healing" (4:1-2)? God's passionate desire is to rescue and heal. May it be!

The last word in the Old Testament is "curse." Thank the Lord that the next words we hear are "the historical record of Jesus Christ" (Matthew 1:1).

Read it here.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Zechariah 13-14

"On that day a fountain will be opened for the house of David and for the residents of Jerusalem, to wash away sin and impurity" (13:1).  What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!  But make no mistake - the enemies' blood will flow as well. Those who reject the hope of the Messiah will die in their sin. Some graphic imagery is contained here!

Read it here.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Zechariah 10-12

This book is sprinkled with these images of the Messiah that would bot be realized for another 500 years after Zechariah finished writing these pages! And every detail will come true. "And they will look at Me whom they pierced" (12:10). God will go to unimaginable lengths to secure the restoration of His people.  He will take all the punishment that they (we) all deserve and put it on the Suffering One - God's own Son.

Read it here.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Zechariah 7-9

"Do not plot evil in your hearts against your neighbor, and do not love perjury, for I hate all this" - this is the Lord's declaration (8:17).

God loves Truth.

And you will discover a prophecy about the Coming King - Jesus - as you read the vision in ch. 9! Think "Palm Sunday."

Read it here.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Zechariah 4-6

"Not by strength or might, but by My Spirit," says the Lord (4:6).  Even though the visions Zechariah recounts can be a bit opaque, the message he is sending is unmistakable.  He is calling them to repentance, obedience, and a phenomenal restoration.

Read it here.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Zechariah 1-3

"See, I have removed your guilt from you, and I will clothe you with splendid robes" (3:4).

"If you will return to Me, I will return to you."  That is the hope-filled message that Zechariah has for God's people. They had been restored from the Babylonian captivity but had returned to some of the spiritual apathy and sin that had marked their forefathers. Zechariah is sent to call them to repentance and restoration.

Read it here.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Haggai brings four messages from God to His people.  All four are recorded in this short two-chapter book.  The people needed a motivating kick in the pants.  They were dawdling around when there was work to be done on restoring the Temple. God used this man (and his co-laborer, Zechariah) to fuel a passion for completing the work God had called them to.

Read it here.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


This prophet testifies to the great and coming Day of the Lord ... the Day that God comes to set things right. That is good news for those who eagerly await His deliverance. It is terrifying news for those who are unprepared to meet their Maker.

One of the most beautiful and compelling images is painted for us in the third chapter as the Lord hushes and quiets His people and begins to sing over them with love and peace.

Read it here.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Ever wonder why bad people seem to prosper and good people get the shaft? A lot of people have asked that question. Habakkuk adds his voice to the very same.

You have to read this interaction with God and the beautiful prayer of surrender at the finale.

Read it here.


This short prophetic book is about the future calamity of Nineveh. That wicked city had been spared when they repented at the preaching of Jonah (about 150 years before the time of Nahum). But apparently their repentance did not last for long. Because now this massive city has become the foe of God and a bastion of blood, deceit, prostitution, sorcery and every kind of wickedness.

If only they had held onto the God who is "good" and is a "stronghold in the day of distress" (1:7).

Read it here.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Esther 9-10

To this day the Jewish people of the world celebrate the story of Esther at the Feast of Purim (the Hebrew word for "lots" - as in "casting lots").  You'll see why in today's reading.  This story is historical - it is not a myth. And the God who left His fingerprints on every page is still alive today!

Read it here.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Esther 7-8

When we take the path of wickedness, we fall into the pit that we dug with our own hands. This story is a vivid depiction of that! And there is a reward for the faithful.

Read it here.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Esther 5-6

We need to start seeing all of the "only God" moments that fall all around us!  This is awesome to read!

Read it here.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Esther 3-4

Is Mordecai the hero? Would YOU have pushed Esther to become a candidate for queen? Seriously?

Is Esther the hero? She certainly didn't (at least initially) want to be the hero.

There is a God behind these people and these event. There is a God behind you and me!

Read it here.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Esther 1-2

This is NOT a story about Esther. In these pages you will not discover a blemish-less heroine. She has deep and evident weakness and flaws.  Though this story bears her name, this is the story about God. This is a great book.  Without referring to God by name, you will see His fingerprint all over every page. There is intrigue, well-developed characters, and the hand of Providence.  These first two chapters set up the storyline. Enjoy!

Read it here.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Nehemiah 9-10

Confession and worship intermingle as the people reacquaint themselves with God's Words. They also carefully rehearsed the story of redemption.  This reminded the people of the ways of God and their need to stay close to Him and His Words.  What a great example for us to follow!

Read it here.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nehemiah 7-8

The man of God read the Bible to the people and then the gifted teachers helped them understand and apply what they were hearing. This has been God's purpose and plan for His people for all these generations.  Are you hearing God's Word? Are you getting help to understand and apply it to your lives?

Read it here.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Nehemiah 5-6

Nehemiah takes every opportunity to point these people to God. He is a strong, decisive leader. But no one misses the fact that his Commanding Officer is God!  The number of reference to prayer is astounding.

Read it here.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nehemiah 3-4

Nehemiah is a stud leader! This is a great picture of enormous effort coupled with complete, prayerful dependence on God. It is not an either/or proposition.

Read it here.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Nehemiah 1-2

If you've never read Nehemiah before, do it now. This is a story of a noble man depending on God and seeing His divine hand in every detail - living in dependence on his God!

Read it here.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Ezra 9-10

Ezra was completely cognizant that they were dependent on God during this fragile time of restoration. This magnificent and bold leader trembled before God and humbled himself in the most self-effacing way imaginable. His confession to God on behalf of his people remains a great model to us even centuries later.

Read it here.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ezra 7-8

"The gracious hand of His God was on him" - note how many times this phrase is repeated. God gets the credit. Thus begins Ezra's first-hand account of the events he witnessed as God gave him the privilege of leading His people at such a critical time.  But make no mistake - this is God's doing.

Read it here.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ezra 5-6

Wait on the Lord. He came through for His people. The setback was a momentary one. The people's patient dependence paid off. God was in this!

Read it here.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ezra 3-4

Often, the path to restoration and blessing from God is marked by setbacks and difficulty. The day that God told His people that He would bring them back to the Promised Land was marked by jubilation. When they got there and began to rebuild and reestablish worship, it was cause for unprecedented celebration (end of ch. 3). But the enemy was watching and began to hinder them (ch. 4).

Don't be shocked when God's kindness and grace is marked by adversity and trial.  He is still there and the blessing is still to come!

Read it here.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Ezra 1-2

Return!  Restoration!  Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther are all records of events that occurred AFTER the deportation to Babylon that Jeremiah (and others) warned of and experienced.

Now it is time for the captives to go home!  And the first order of business is to restore the Temple and draw people back to worship the God of Abraham!

Read it here.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Lamentations 5

Unique among the collection of songs in this book, chapter 5 is not an acrostic, but is packed with artistry.  He yearns for restoration with God.

Read it here.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lamentations 3-4

Lamentations 3:27-28 are some of my all-time favorite verses. They brought comfort and purpose to me when I was going through very difficult times as a young man. They still have that impact today.

Notice the sorrow, but also the soul of the prophet as he continues to come back to hope.

Read it here.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lamentations 1-2

Jeremiah began to write songs of lamentation (think "funeral dirge") when Jerusalem was overtaken. This is a fitting conclusion to the book that bears his name.

Each chapter is a poem and the first four are acrostics - following the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This was a very difficult art form to perfect. Each word and phrase is carefully chosen and crafted.

Jeremiah felt deep sorrow for his city and his people. Allow the emotion of these songs impact you emotionally as they were intended.

Read it here.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Jeremiah 52

The finale of this epic book.  Everything Jeremiah said would happen begins to unfold.

And everything He wrote to us will come true as well!

Read it here.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Jeremiah 50-51

Lest Babylon sense that they are invincible, the Lord lines the crosshairs against her. They have been ruthless and barbaric in their treatment of those they conquered. Now they will know that there is a higher King to answer to.

Read it here.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Jeremiah 48-49

Next is the ancient enemy of Israel, Moab (modern day Jordan). They felt their nation impenetrable and their armies unconquerable. From a human perspective they were nearly right. But not before God!

Ammon (also a neighboring enemy of Israel, to the north of Moab, and also in modern day Jordan) is next on the list. From here, Israel's enemies are listed off for defeat heading east to modern day Iran ("Elam") and finally to Babylon "the Great." No power will withstand the Lord's judgment!

Read it here.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Jeremiah 46-47

Now begins the prophecies against all the nations, beginning with Egypt.  God continues to reach out to His people with words of comfort and a promise of restoration.  He will certainly discipline His people for their rebellion, but He intends on bringing them home!  Hope in the midst of the storm.

Read it here.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Jeremiah 44-45

These people aren't even blushing about their rebellion. "As for the things you told us from Yahweh, we are not going to listen. Instead, we're going to do everything we said we would."  No matter where they run and no matter how tough they talk, God will make them face their rebellion and receive what they deserve.

Read it here.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jeremiah 41-43

Many of the people are frightened and humbled by the layered tragedies they have lived through.  They ask Jeremiah to inquire of the Lord and find out from Him "the way we should walk and the thing we should do" (42:3).  But God didn't tell them what they wanted to hear ... so back to judgment they go.  The hardness of heart seems incredible!  What does God have to do to get them to believe His words?

Read it here.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Jeremiah 39-40

The prophecies came true. Judgment, captivity and deportation came to God's people, just as He warned them it would. Even in these dark days, look how God continues to protect His faithful ones (like Ebed-Melech and Jeremiah).  And notice how many of those who remain continue in their dark godlessness in the coming chapters.

Read it here.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Jeremiah 37-38

The clock is ticking. The long-awaited captivity is imminent. The king is getting desperate. And the man of God, Jeremiah, suffers for the people's hardness of heart. Doen't seem fair, does it? The innocents often get pulled into despair because those in power make reckless choices. But Jeremiah's faithfulness remains strong.

What an example!

Read it here.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jeremiah 34-36

Do you know why God's people were undergoing such harsh discipline? They had grown completely complacent to God's Word.  He would speak and it was as if it had not effect at all. This pattern is magnified in today's reading - especially in ch. 36.  It is shocking.

"As they heard all these words, the king and all of his servants did not become terrified or tear their garments" (36:24).

How are you responding to God's Word?

Read it here.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jeremiah 32-33

"Look, I am Yahweh, the God of all flesh. Is anything too difficult for me?" (32:27).

"The Lord who made the earth, the Lord who forms it to establish it, "Yahweh is His name, says this: Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know." (33:2-3).

Because of the magnitude of the prophecies coming from the Lord, He had to remind them of Who He is.  Great reminders for us today!

Read it here.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Jeremiah 30-31

Look, a storm from the Lord! (30:23).  But after the storm, a new covenant ... and awesome promise that is still coming true today (31:31-34)!

Read it here.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jeremiah 28-29

What is to happen when the "prophets" prophecy lies to the people?  The people actually love it this way!  But God always holds out hope.  "For I know the plans I have for give you a future and a hope" (29:10-14).  Don't take that verse out of its context.  It is not a blanket promise, but is for the people taken to captivity who respond to the discipline of the Lord!

Read it here.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jeremiah 26-27

God: "I made the earth, and the people, and animals on the face of the earth. I give it to anyone I please."

Who is going to argue with that???

Read it here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Jeremiah 24-25

They will be my people, and I will be their God because they will return to Me with all their heart (24:7).  Everybody went through the fire of exile.  Only those who responded to the well-deserved discipline could claim the promise of redemption.  The rest would get what they deserved.

Read it here.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Jeremiah 22-23

God's position toward us has a direct connection with our compassion for the poor and needy (ch. 22).

There are preachers and prophets all over the world who claim to speak for God but who only voice their own worthless opinions.  Those who have the True Message must continue to speak it ... and it will prevail (23:28-29)!

Read it here.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Jeremiah 20-21

"But the Lord is with me like a violent warrior" (20:11).  Now THAT is who you want to have your back!  Jeremiah is taking a beating (literally) for representing God and speaking His words to the people. Ultimately God will will the day...but the skirmishes and battles along the way are tough on the prophet.

Read it here.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Jeremiah 18-19

Clay in the potter's hand.  Our pride fools into thinking that we are master of our own destinies. We are clay in the potter's hand.

Read it here.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Jeremiah 16-17

"Believe in yourself" is the chant of our culture.  Why?  Is "self" trustworthy?  Not according to Jeremiah..."The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable--who can understand it? I, Yahweh, examine the mind, I test the heart to give each according to his way, according to what his actions deserve" (Jer. 17:9-10).

Guess we'd better trust in the Lord!

Read it here.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Jeremiah 13-15

Your words were found and I ate them. Your words became a delight to me and the joy of my heart, for I am called by Your name, Yahweh God of hosts" (15:16).

Read it here.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Jeremiah 11-12

God is ever on their lips, but far from their conscience. (Jer. 12:2).  Let that one sink in.  Is it possible to give verbal acknowledgement to God...even worship him with our lips...but keep Him at bay from our consciences   YES!

Read it here.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Jeremiah 9-10

They process from one evil to another, and they do not take Me into account (9:3).  Pretty much sums it up.  BUT... keep reading to the end.  God will declare what He wants from a people who are truly His. Epic verses at the end of ch. 9!

I know, Lord, that a man's life is not his own;
no one who walks determines his own steps.

Now there's something to ponder!

Read it here.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jeremiah 7-8

People don't seem to be much different today. The people back then oppressed foreigners, ignored the poor, hurt innocent people, and did whatever they wanted to do.  Then they'd walk into church and pretend that all was well with God.  Huh?

Truth has perished--it has disappeared from their mouths (7:28).

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jeremiah 5-6

When preachers speak lies in the name of God, how will people hear the truth? One of the scariest verses in the Bible (and it is hauntingly contemporary)...

"A horrible thing has taken place in the land.
The prophets prophecy falsely,
and the priests rule by their own authority.
But what will you do at the end of it?"

Read it here.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jeremiah 3-4

"Only acknowledge your guilt..." That is what God requires. Speak the truth. Confess what He already knows to be true. Admit it. Stop hiding, running, and rebelling. Enter into true repentance. God is eager to forgive.

Read it here.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Jeremiah 1-2

Jeremiah was likely about 20 years old when he began to boldly proclaim God's Word. Though he started his ministry with the favor of a good king (Josiah), it was not long before Jeremiah was faced with proclaiming God's words to a people who adamantly rejected him. By the close of the book he is a refugee of war and likely died in that state.  But through it all, his message never wavered.

The first two chapters frame in the spiritual state of God's people at this point in history ... apathy, abandonment, faithlessness, evil, apostate...  It is not a pretty picture.

Read it here.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Solomon's Finest Song, chs. 7-8

Love's flames are fiery flames--the fiercest of all (8:6).

That's a great theme verse for this book. This passionate love between a bride and groom, as described in these pages, is as it was intended to be.

Read it here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Solomon's Finest Song, chs. 4-6

Look, if you were living in a culture where a full set of teeth was a rarity, you'd be impressed with a gal who had every pearly-white in place (4:2). Don't get me wrong, he enjoys describing other aspects of her anatomy, but her teeth are very impressive!

And she returns the gesture. It has not escaped her that he is "fit and strong" and his "arms are rods of gold."

This is an opportunity to celebrate the rightful and holy intoxication married couples should have with one another's bodies. God is good.

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Solomon's Finest Song 1-3

This is an odd book.  Why would God include a book about sexual love in the Bible? Because God gave us bodies that respond to the physical love of our spouse. He gave us desires that are wonderfully satisfied in marriage. And He gave sexual love to bond a husband and wife together in this beautiful mutually-given gift (see 1 Corinthians 7:1-7). This book celebrates a chaste, self-giving, and bonding view of sexual love between a husband and wife. It is a beautiful book that Solomon called his "song of songs," or "finest song" (1:1).

For a helpful Introduction to the book and the various ways to interpret it, click here.

Read the passage here.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ecclesiastes 11-12

Before he lays his pen down, he gives us some sweet advice: "When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is: fear God and keep His commands. For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil."

Read it here.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Ecclesiastes 9-10

"One sinner can destroy much good" (9:18). We need to stay close to wisdom. Once we leave the path, there is no telling what destruction might come about.

Read it here.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ecclesiastes 7-8

"It is better to go to a house of mourning than to a house of feasting,
since that is the end of all mankind, and the living should take it to heart."

That nugget alone should give us a lot to ponder today.  But Solomon offers far more.

Read it here.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ecclesiastes 5-6

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God." From here Solomon launches on some of the richest wisdom in this whole book.  Take some time to savor these words on worship, vows, work, etc.

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ecclesiastes 3-4

Don't be shocked if you suddenly hear "The Byrds" singing "Turn, Turn, Turn" (1965). Those lyrics weren't original to them.  Solomon wrote the words for their #1 hit about 3,000 years before they picked them up and put a folk tune behind them.

God has put eternity into the hearts of every man (3:11). That's why His themes keep coming out in lyrics and poems and art and stories and conversations, etc.  We know in our gut that what God says is true.

Read it here.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ecclesiastes 1-2

According to Wesley, Solomon, "was not only a king, but also a teacher of God's people; who having sinned grievously in the eyes of all the world, thought himself obliged to publish his repentance, and give publick [sic] warning to all, to avoid those rocks upon which he had split." (Note: Guys who write stuff in the 1750's and which are still read in the 2000's can spell "public" any way they want).

Keep the idea of "public repentance as a warning to future readers" in your mind as you begin your journey through this book.

Read it here.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Job 40-42

You must read this finale.  The only appropriate response when coming face-to-face with God is the one Job gives us here. Let it guide you.

Read it here.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Job 38-39

God speaks for Himself.  And the first thing He asks (rhetorically) is, "Who dares speak when standing in my presence?" I cannot imagine hearing this voice boom from heaven and directed at ME!  Read it in that way.

Read it here.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Job 35-37

Elihu continues to speak "on God's behalf" (36:2). God will ultimately speak for Himself. But, again, these are men who are seeking to vindicate the character and actions of God even if that means throwing their friend, Job, under the bus to do so.

Here is what Elihu believes about God: "The Almighty-we cannot reach Him-He is exalted in power!" He could do worse in the way he thinks about God.

But brace yourself, Elihu, God is about to talk back.

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Job 32-34

Elihu makes the finale appeal by the "friends" for Job to repent.  His speech goes on for six chapters. And then God steps in and speaks for the first time.

Even though God will ultimately rebuke Elihu and his friends, there are moments of truth and clarity along the way. Remember that these are godly men who are trying to figure out why God has allowed Job to go through such a crisis. They are very accusing of Job - unnecessarily and unjustifiably. But they do consider some godly points of wisdom along the way.

Read it here.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Job 29-31

Job is on a roll. Listening to Job remember the days of God's blessing is really touching and sad. He is stunned at how quickly things have turned and cannot figure out why.

Along the way, this righteous man has some great advice for those who would follow him.  "I have made a covenant with my eyes. How then could I look at a young woman?" (31:1).

I hope if I ever go through this level of crisis that I keep a God-centered attitude as Job does here.

Read it here.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Job 25-28

"These are but the fringes of His ways; how faint is the word we hear from Him" (26:14). Job recognizes that we barely catch a glimpse of the infinite, unfathomable God!

And look how Job (many generations before Solomon penned the Proverbs) states this: "The fear of the Lord is this: WISDOM. And to turn from evil is understanding." (see Prov. 1:7).

Read it here.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Job 22-24

"Does it delight the Almighty if you are righteous? Does He profit if you perfect your behavior?" (22:3).

Eliphaz might be a poor source of comfort - but he brings to light a great truth here. God doesn't need us. He has nothing to gain by our piety. God never gains anything - He is complete, lacking nothing.

We need Him.  He does not need us.

Job's hope ... "Yet He knows the way I have taken; when He has tested me, I will emerge as pure gold" (23:10).

Read it here.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Job 20-21

Now Zophar gets heated up. These "friends" truly believe that Job is being punished by God because of his wickedness. How horrible must this be for Job? He knows he is blameless - yet he is being torn apart by circumstances and tragedy and then (insult to injury) he is being blamed for it!  As if he deserves what he's getting.

Would you be able claim innocence? Few of us would be able to face calamity with this much true innocence.

Read it here.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Job 18-19

Bildad taps in.  He gets a little testy with Job. He describes Job using the third-person. But it is not lost on Job that Bildad is accusing him of being a wicked man.

Sometimes friends should just stay home in times of adversity.

Yet one of Job's most profound confessions of faith and hope in God comes on the heels of this conversation with Bildad.  Do not miss Job 19:25-27!

Read it here.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Job 15-17

In this corner, Eliphaz tags back into the ring! This dude pulls no punches. He is very accusing toward Job. He doesn't get it. He assumes that Job is "getting what he deserves." We should be slow to draw such conclusions!

Job is fiery in his reply! He wants them to just shut up and leave him alone. He feels broken and now is being kicked while he is down. Tough spot!

Read it here.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Job 11-14

Now Zophar gets in the ring. I like this guy.  He has a very God-centered perspective.

Can you fathom the depths of God
or discover the limits of the Almighty?They are higher than the heavens—what can you do?They are deeper than Sheol—what can you know?Their measure is longer than the earthand wider than the sea.

But Job is growing weary of the unsolicited free advice. ("No doubt you are the people, and wisdom will die with you!"). Job is aghast. Why would God allow such tragedy in his life?

Read it here.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Job 8-10

Bildad speaks. (Who names their kid Bildad?). Now remember, neither Job nor Bildad got to read the first two chapters. They don't know what God is up to. So along the way they will surmise what is right. And sometimes they will say some bogus things.

How do you process the events that surround you? Perfect clarity? Always from God's perfect perspective?  These guys actually get it right far more than I would had I been there!

Read it here.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Job 6-7

"If only my greif could be weighed  and my devastation placed with it in the scales. For then it would outweigh the sand of the seas!

How do you make sense of sudden catastrophe? Empathize with a godly man as he wrestles with the sudden and senseless (in his mind) havoc of his life.

Read it here.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Job 3-5

Job and his friends now begin to try and figure out why all this calamity has happened.  Here's the tricky part: None of them know the story of what happened in the first two chapters between God and Satan. They only have the evidence of the earthly events to go by. So have some patience with them - we actually know far more of the story than they do!

This is true for us as well. We rarely have access to God's purposes.  We only respond to what we see, hear and experience. Job gives us a lot to consider!

Read it here.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Job 1-2

He was a man of perfect integrity. Of all the people on the earth, Job was the who caught God's eye.  That also put him in the cross-haris of the evil one.

The book of Job makes the "prosperity gospel" tough to swallow. Perfect integrity in Job actually invited calamity. But God had great purpose in it.

Read it here.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Daniel 11-12

Every prophecy of Daniel came true. Every one. He takes us today to "the appointed time" and "the time of the end." What do you think the chances are that this yet-future prophecy of Daniel will also come true?

The question all of us need to ask: Is my name written in the book (12:1)?

Read it here.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Daniel 9-10

So...Daniel picked up the book of Jeremiah and read it.  What would that be like? He must have gotten to Jeremiah 29:10-14, because that's what prompted his prayer in Daniel 9. The God-centered prayer with its genuine confession and hope for mercy and grace are incredible.

The interaction Daniel has with the angel in chapter 10 is intriguing. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in the angelic world.  Other times I'm glad I can't see it!

Read it here.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Daniel 7-8

Great kings and kingdoms will come and go. But Daniel sees One that will never end!
...and I saw One like a son of man
coming with the clouds of heaven.
He approached the Ancient of Days
and was escorted before Him.
He was given authority to rule,
and glory, and a kingdom;
so that those of every people,
nation, and language
should serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
that will not pass away,
and His kingdom is one
that will not be destroyed.

Read it here.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Daniel 5-6

"The writing is on the wall."  Eve wonder where that phrase came from?  You'll read about it today.

And "Daniel and the Lion's Den?" Yep, you'll read that one, too. Yet another nearly-universal cultural metaphor that we need to take a fresh look at.

After today's reading you will ask: When will pride-filled people understand that there is a God who can humble any human in an instant - without even breaking a sweat?

Read it here.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Daniel 3-4

The moral of this story: God is able to humble those who walk in pride (4:37).

The Fiery Furnace. This story has become so well known that it has become a cultural reference point to going through trials ("being tried by the fire"). Take the preconceived notions you've had away and read these chapters with fresh eyes and perspective.

Remember that the king that is building this gargantuan statue to be worshipped is the very one who in the last chapter was giving praise to the one, true God. How quickly we forget! When will you acknowledge that the Most High is ruler over the kingdom of men?

Read it here.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Daniel 1-2

"Daniel determined that he would not defile himself" (1:8).  Defile himself from what? The finest food and beverage money could buy! Daniel and his friends were establishing themselves as men devoted to God ... and God blessed them tremendously! "No one was found equal to Daniel" and his godly friends.

Before long, the king ended up falling before Daniel proclaiming, "Your God is indeed God of gods, Lord of kings, and a revealer of mysteries" (2:47).

All because Daniel chose to live unashamedly for God.

Oh to be a Daniel.

Read it here.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ezekiel 45-48

Ezekiel's prophecies continue to be elusive. Is he speaking of a yet-future Temple and restoration of sacrifices and land? How do we understand that in light of the "new and living way" brought to us in final sacrifice of Jesus (Hebrews 10)? Is it a way for God's people to commemorate what God did for them (in the way that Messianic Jews celebrate the Passover seder)?

Mysterious to me. Ezekiel, you baffle me here. But I'll keep searching.

Read it here

Monday, May 6, 2013

Ezekiel 43-44

What a devastation to see the glory of the Lord depart. What a joy to see it return. No wonder Ezekiel falls facedown.

Read it here.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Ezekiel 40-42

There is some mystery here.  What is the purpose for the future temple that Ezekiel describes in such detail? Scholars scratch their heads a bit on this one.  I think one plausible explanations is as follows...

God reiterated His promise of covenantal blessing, in spite of Babylon's destruction, but it as always was conditional on the people's obedience. But the vision would only be open to those Jews who were sincerely ashamed of the sins that got them exiled (Ezk. 43:11). This was a vision of an offer, rather than a prediction. Just as the Lord through Moses promised Israel to bless their crops, their families, their finances, and their nation as a rewarcd for obedience, the Lord sharpens up His promise by including a temple that would be even finer than the one they had. But this was an offer that went unclaimed -- a coupon that went uncashed. Not because the Lord failed, but the people failed. This temple was one more part of the Old Testament code of promise, which no sinner can ever be good enough to fulfill. The vision described something that could have been (from the standpoint of God's power) but never was (because the people were never sufficiently repentant or faithful to enter into all that God had to offer). Ezekiel's temple -- the temple that never came to be -- is one more part of why Israel needs a Savior who can save them not just from the guilt of their sins, but from its corruptive power as well.

Read it here.