Friday, February 22, 2013

Proverbs 8

You know, if we follow the path of foolishness, recklessness, and wickedness we have nobody to blame but ourselves.  That's what Proverbs is trying to tell us.  Why is that important?  Because the impulse of every fool who has his life torn apart by his own choices is to cry "foul" and feign victimhood.

Doesn't Wisdom all out?
Doesn't Understanding make her voice heard?

Those who search for me, find me.

For the one who finds me finds life
and obtains favor from the Lord.
but the one who misses me harms himself;
all who hate me love death.

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. How much easier would this be if wisdom were merely a bank of specific knowledge?

    Wisdom is fearing God, giving Him glory, confessing and repenting of sin, working out salvation in faith, fear and trembling, etc...

    These are not merely factoids.

    Wisdom is believing in the One sent by God. Believing is more than intellectual acknowledgement.

    This nugget was one God initially used to destroy my prideful confidence before Him.
