Thursday, March 28, 2013

Psalm 119:1-88

This incredible psalm is in the form of an acrostic.  Each section follows the Hebrew alphabet (think the "A-B-C's").  So, the first eight verses have stanzas which all begin with the letter Alef ("A").  The next set of verses all start with Bet ("B"), etc.

It would be an artistic and incredibly painstaking form of poetry.  I dare you to try it in English!

The godly author likely memorized these words about the Bible by putting it in this form.  It also became a way to teach these words to children.

Today we will cover the first half of this magnificent psalm (the first 11 Hebrew letters).  Tomorrow we will complete it.

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. i love mnemonic devices.

    anything to help our minds grab onto God's Word and hide it in our hearts that we might not sin against Him.
