New Year's Eve! The days described in this little book are dark and foreboding. But there is hope for a new day that is about to dawn ... "the kingdom will be the Lord's."
"The days are coming... when I will send a famine through the land; not famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord"
(Amos 8:11)
We are living in the famine! We need the hope of restoration that Amos leaves us with!
A lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord has spoken; who will not prophecy?
(Amos 3:8)
God has not made it unclear to the world that He sees the injustice and the wickedness and that He is coming to judge. Will we hear Him? Will we fear? Or will we continue on?
Merry Christmas! He has come! King of kings and Lord of lords!
A couple of years old, but worth watching again. Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" in a food court. The most unlikely place for the worship of Jesus to break out! But that's the kind of unlikely place that Jesus comes to! Welcome Him!
Why the book of Joel on Christmas Eve? It is a powerful book that encompasses both the coming wrath and the coming deliverance of the Lord. Jesus' birth set into motion the final days of God's plan. Jesus comes as Deliverer for the humble one who cries out to Him ... for He is...
gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, and He relents from sending disaster.
(Joel 2:13).
But Jesus also comes as a conquering King, drawing all people to the Valley of Decision. Will He be your Judge or your Deliverer?
"Then everyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved" (Joel 2:32)
I turn 50 in a few days. This is going to become my prayer! Even when I am old and gray, God, do not abandon me. Then I will proclaim Your power to another generation, Your strength to all who are to come.
Wrapping up the book 1 Chronicles today. Here is a "timeless text" from today's reading...
“As for you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father,
and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind, for the Lord searches
every heart and understands the intention of every thought. If you seek
Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.
Another "chronicle" of the people of that generation. Feel free to fly through some of these lists. Slow down as you come to any narrative along the way.
The relationship between God and David is really cool to see. David wants to build a house of worship for God. But God replies by saying, "No, let me build your house first, then I'll let your boy build mine." This inspires an incredible heart of gratitude and humility from David that is captured in his songs to God. Awesome stuff!
Though God is richly blessing David and the nation of Israel, He is not to be trifled with. We shouldn't be at all put out when God strikes those who become careless in their approach to Him. We should be shocked that ANY of us can approach Him at all!
BTW ... not everyone is thrilled that David loves God so passionately (as you'll see).
What?!? TEN chapters? Yep. Its okay, you can fly through the lists of names and slow down when there is storyline. It won't take you long. We sweep through a big chunk of history and get all the way to the time of David in these first ten chapters.
Then chapters 11-29 will "chronicle" the reign of David.
Let these psalms take you on a journey from fear and despair to triumph and praise. Pray the words back to God as you read. You will love the climactic ending!